Program and folder paths

Table of contents



Type: Required
Default: ffmpeg
Accepts: Path to ffmpeg executable.
Example: ffmpeg_cmd = /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
Description: Path to ffmpeg executable to use. Accepts absolute, relative or executable name only. Absolute path is recommended.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Path to qt-faststart executable.
Example: faststart_cmd = /usr/local/bin/qt-faststart
Description: This program is used to optimize the moov atoms of MP4 and MOV files so they are suitable for pseudo-streaming. It comes along with FFmpeg source.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Path to flvtool2 executable.
Example: flvtool2_cmd = /usr/local/bin/flvtool2
Description: This program is used to optimize FLV files for pseudo-streaming.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Path to nice executable. For Windows hosts use start.
Note: Do not add params to this command.
Example: nice_cmd = /usr/bin/nice
Description: This program is used to execute other programs with a lower priority. Note that this setting is optional, and
you can also control the execution priority of tt-cron.php in your crontab like any other shell command.



Type: Optional
Default: 0
Accepts: Value between 0 to 20 (normal to lowest priority).
Example: nice_level = 10
Description: Setting the nice_level allows to alter the scheduling priority of the commands executed by Tremendum Transcoder.

This is useful if the machine running the program is a multipurpose machine, such as a web server, and we prefer to run the transcodings with a lower priority, so the resources of the web server are given priority.

A value of 10 is recommended. A value of 0 does not alter priority. We translate this value in windows hosts to "start" command equivalent: 1-10 = /BELOWNORMAL, 11-20 = /LOW.



Type: Required
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Path to folder.
Example: flags_folder = /path/to/tt-private/flags
Description: Full path to the folder that will be used to write the flag files. This folder needs to be writable by the web user and the cron user.



Type: Required
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Path to folder.
Example: temp_folder = /path/to/tt-private/temp
Description: Full path to the folder used for temporary file operations. Must be writable by the cron user.



Type: Required
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Path to folder.
Example: source_folder = /path/to/tt-private/encode
Description: Full path to the folder that contains the source media to be processed. Must be writable to the cron user when "source_completion_action" is set to "move" or "delete".



Type: Required
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Path to folder.
Example: target_folder = /path/to/tt-private/done
Description: Full path to the folder that is used to output the generated media files. Must be writable to the cron user. It can be the same as the source_folder.