Input and output processing

Table of contents

The following settings control the way Tremendum Transcoder processes your media files. With the default values, media files are loaded from “encode” folder, and transcoded versions are generated in equivalent paths under the “done” folder, in a subfolder made of the source filename with the extension attached to the name.

This default setup provides an easy, organized and overwrite-safe way of transcoding media files. Tremendum Transcoder is very flexible and can be configured in multiple ways to achieve our desired results. Below are the settings that control its behaviour.


Type: Optional
Default: false
Accepts: true | false.
Example: recursive_mode = true
Description: When set to true, media files in subfolders of the source_folder are also processed.



Type: Optional
Default: true
Accepts: true | false.
Example: output_subfolder_create = false
Description: When creating the target files, put them inside a folder named after the source file being processed. For example, from source file "encode/video.avi", we would create a target mp4 file like "done/video/video.mp4".



Type: Optional
Default: true
Accepts: true | false.
Example: output_subfolder_add_extension = false
Description: When creating the target folder, also include the source file extension in the folder name. This prevents the scenario when two different source files have the same name but different extension, such as "video.avi" and "", being those two different videos. For example, from source file "encode/video.avi", we would create a target mp4 file like "done/video_avi/video.mp4".

Another way to avoid filename collisions is to use "%sourceext%" in the filename templates. (See filename templates section)



Type: Optional
Default: false
Accepts: true | false.
Example: output_to_root = true
Description: When this is set to true, the target files are created in the root of the target folder regardless of the location inside the source_folder. This can be useful in certain conditions in combination with an adequate filename template, but it is easier to run into filename collisions.

A filename collision is when a target file to be created already exists. We can configure Tremendum Transcoder to skip or overwrite existing files. In certain scenarios, collisions are useful.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: 4 digit octal number
Example: target_file_mode = 0666
Description: This allows to specify the target file permissions. When empty, the program will use the default file permissions of your php install. Use 4 digit octal notation.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: 4 digit octal number
Example: target_folder_mode = 0777
Description: This allows to specify the target folder permissions. When empty, the program will use the default folder permissions of your php install. Use 4 digit octal notation.



Type: Optional
Default: false
Accepts: true | false.
Example: overwrite_files = true
Description: When set to true, existing files in the target_folder are overwritten if there’s a filename collision. The default behaviour is to skip already present files.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: copy, move, delete or (empty).
Example: source_completion_action = delete
Description: Defines what action to take with the source file (if any), after all the selected profiles have been processed. Leave to empty to do nothing.