


Type: Optional
Default: General
Accepts: Text of max 256 chars. "-", "_", " ", ".", a-z, A-Z, 0-9.
Example: =
Description: Defines the name of the group to which this profile belongs. Profiles with the same group are displayed under the same block in the web interface.



Type: Optional
Default: (key)
Accepts: Text
Example: profile.key.desc = Mobile optimized profile
Description: Defines the profile description that appears in the web interface. If no description is provided the profile key name is used instead.



Type: Required
Default: (empty)
Accepts: FFmpeg parameters (see notes)
Example: profile.key.video_pass1 = -f mpegts -vcodec copy
Description: List of parameters to pass to FFmpeg for the video encoding part. Include only the parameters related to video encoding.

Use "-vn" without quotes to disable video encoding, for example to process audio only.

* Do not add any "-pass 1" or "-pass 2" parameters.
* Do not add any input / output file parameters.
* Do not add any video filters if you are using text or video overlays.
* Do not add any resize strings or filters if you have defined an output width or height section.

Review the default profiles supplied with Tremendum Transcoder to understand how they work.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: FFmpeg parameters for 2nd pass.
Example: profile.key.video_pass2 = -vcodec libtheora -g 120 -b:v 2500k
Description: If parameters are provided, they will be used for the second pass of a multipass encoding. The same rules and restrictions as for "video_pass1" apply here. Notice that video_pass2 and audio_pass2 must both be empty or contain parameters. When they are empty, TT will perform a single pass encoding, and when they are set, TT will perform a multipass encoding.



Type: Required
Default: (empty)
Accepts: FFmpeg parameters.
Example: profile.key.audio_pass1 = -an
Description: List of parameters to pass to FFmpeg for the audio encoding part. Include only the parameters related to audio encoding. Use "-an" without quotes to disable audio encoding, for example to process video only, or for the first pass of a multipass encoding.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: FFmpeg parameters
Example: profile.key.audio_pass2 = -acodec libvorbis -ar 44100 -ac 2 -b:a 96k
Description: List of parameters for the second pass audio encoding. Notice that video_pass2 and audio_pass2 must both be empty or contain parameters. When they are empty, TT will perform a single pass encoding, and when they are set, TT will perform a multipass encoding.



Type: Required
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Filename extension. Max 30 chars. Valid: a-z, A-Z, 0-9
Example: profile.key.ext = mp4
Description: Filename extension to use for the output file.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Number
Example: profile.key.width = 640
Description: Desired output width in pixels. Note that the final size may be different from our desired width depending on the resize method chosen. A value of 0 or empty does not resize input video.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Number
Example: profile.key.height = 360
Description: Desired output height in pixels. As with the width, the final height may be different depending on the resize method chosen.



Type: Optional
Default: (default_resize_mode)
Accepts: squeeze, crop, proportional, maxside
Example: profile.key.resize = crop
Description: Specifies the desired method for resizing the input video using the values supplied in the width and height section. There are 4 modes available:

Set the output dimensions to be exactly the desired width and height, stretching the image to fit the dimensions.

The image has the desired width and height preserving the aspect ratio and discarding pixels as needed.

Sets the output size proportional to the given width or height. If both values are given, only width is considered.

Sets the output size so that no size is larger than the specified maxside. The maxside value is taken from the width setting.



Type: Optional
Default: (default_force_divisible)
Accepts: true | false
Example: profile.key.force_divisible = true
Description: When set, resize operations make sure that the target pixel dimensions are even (divisible by 2). This is useful when dealing with profiles that use codecs that do not support odd image dimensions.



Type: Optional
Default: false
Accepts: true | false
Example: profile.key.faststart = true
Description: When set to true, performs a fast start optimization on the resulting video files. This is good for progressive download and pseudo-streaming, so the video can start playing as it is being downloaded, without the need to wait to buffer the full video. This optimization if performed to FLV files using the program setup for "flvtool2_cmd", and to MP4 and MOV files using the program setup for "faststart_cmd" in the config file.



Type: Optional
Default: false
Accepts: true | false
Example: profile.key.deinterlace_video = true
Description: When set to true, the source video gets deinterlaced. This option utilizes yadif filter when possible. For more information about video interlacing you can check:



Type: Optional
Default: 0
Accepts: 0, 1, 2, 3
Example: profile.key.deinterlace_mode = 3
Description: Specifies the interlacing mode to utilize.
0: output 1 frame for each frame
1: output 1 frame for each field
2: output 1 frame for each frame, but skip spatial interlacing check
3: output 1 frame for each field, but skip spatial interlacing check



Type: Optional
Default: -1
Accepts: -1, 0, 1
Example: profile.key.deinterlace_parity = 0
Description: Specifies the picture field parity to assume for the interlaced video source.
-1: automatic detection
 0: top field first
 1: bottom field first



Type: Optional
Default: 0
Accepts: 0, 1
Example: profile.key.deinterlace_auto = 1
Description: This option specifies if the deinterlacer should trust the interlaced flag and only deinterlace frames marked as interlaced, or deinterlace all frames.
0: deinterlace all frames
1: only deinterlace frames marked as interlaced



Type: Optional
Default: (default_filename_template)
Accepts: Filename template with special variables
Example: profile.key.filename_template = %sourcename%-%format%.%ext%
Description: Allows to define specific file naming for the current profile. If not defined, the default_filename_template value from the config is used.



Type: Optional
Default: (default_filename_regex)
Accepts: Perl Compatible Regular Expression without delimiters or modifiers.
Example: profile.key.filename_regex = episode-(\d+)$
Description: Allows to define specific Perl Compatible Regular Expression to capture groups of text to use in filename templates. If not defined, the default_filename_regex value from the config is used.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Defined set of comparison operators condition (see below)
Example: profile.key.skip_rule = width < 640
Description: This section allows us to define a certain rule to check against the source video dimensions. If the rule matches the defined conditions, the processing of the input file is skipped and a message is shown in the log. This is particularly useful to limit certain profiles to certain source video dimensions.

For example assume we have a profile to convert the source videos to 1920×1080 full HD MP4 video file at 8 mbps and the source folder contains some videos which are 320×240 pixels. We could set "skip_rule = width < 640" and this would effectively ignore any source video smaller than 640 pixels in width.

The format for the condition is:

Where DIMENSION is: width or height. (w or h can be used for shortness)
Where COMPARISON is one of the following:
<, lt (less than)
<=, le (less or equal to)
>, gt (greater than)
>=, ge (greater or equal to)
==, =, eq (equal to)
!=, <>, ne (not equal to)

Where number is: A regular number. i.e. 320.
Where OPERATOR is: AND or OR.

Example values:

Skip odd sized source videos.
width = 640 AND height > 500

Skip videos smaller than 640 pixels in width, or exact dimension of 720×480.
width < 640 OR width = 720 AND height = 480



Type: Optional
Default: false
Accepts: true | false
Example: profile.key.skip_rule_invert = true
Description: When set to true, the logic of the action is inverted. This is useful to skip all the videos except the ones matched by the skip_rule, effectively inverting the logic.

For example:
"skip_rule = width = 640 AND height = 480"
"skip_rule_invert = true"

This would effectively process only source videos that are 640×480, ignoring any other videos.


Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Path to image or video file.
Example: profile.key.logo = /path/to/MyLogo.png
Description: Specify the full path to an image or video file to put on top of the source video. This is useful when creating watermarks or adding a company logo. Note that the logo dimensions must be smaller than the source video. For better results, use 24 bit PNG images with transparency.



Type: Optional
Default: 255
Accepts: 0 – 255
Example: profile.key.logo_opacity = 220
Description: Defines the opacity of the logo image in relation to the source video. A value of 0 is total transparency, and 255 is normal. Numbers in between set the amount of transparency.



Type: Optional
Default: 1
Accepts: 1 – 9
Example: profile.key.logo_gravity = 9
Description: Defines the position of the logo in relation to the source video as coordinates from a keypad.

Possible values are:
1 (top left), 2 (top center), 3 (top right)
4 (middle left), 5 (middle center), 6 (middle right)
7 (bottom left), 8 (bottom center), 9 (bottom right)



Type: Optional
Default: 0
Accepts: Number
Example: profile.key.logo_margin_x = 10
Description: Sets the horizontal margin size in pixels.



Type: Optional
Default: 0
Accepts: Number
Example: profile.key.logo_margin_y = 10
Description: Sets the vertical margin size in pixels.



Type: Optional
Default: (empty)
Accepts: Text
Example: profile.key.text =
Description: Allows to overlay a defined text on top of the source video.



Type: Optional
Default: (default_text_font)
Accepts: Path to true type font file.
Example: profile.key.text_font = /path/to/freesans.ttf
Description: Specify the location of the font file to be used to generate the text overlay.



Type: Optional
Default: 18
Accepts: Number
Example: profile.key.text_size = 14
Description: Defines the text size in pixels.



Type: Optional
Default: ffffff (white)
Accepts: Six digit hexadecimal color value
Example: profile.key.text_color = ff0000
Description: Defines the color of the text overlay. For a quick color reference check:



Type: Optional
Default: 255
Accepts: 0 – 255
Example: profile.key.text_opacity = 240
Description: Defines the opacity of the text in relation to the source video. A value of 0 is total transparency, and 255 is normal. Numbers in between set the amount of transparency.



Type: Optional
Default: 1
Accepts: 1 – 9
Example: profile.key.text_gravity = 9
Description: Defines the position of the text in relation to the source video as coordinates from a keypad. (see logo_gravity for details)



Type: Optional
Default: 0
Accepts: Number
Example: profile.key.text_margin_x = 10
Description: Sets the horizontal margin size in pixels.



Type: Optional
Default: 0
Accepts: Number
Example: profile.key.text_margin_y = 10
Description: Sets the horizontal margin size in pixels.